import Foundation
As an alternative to multiple return values (Go)
Or Exceptions (every other language)
Optionals are used to handle failure cases when
you're good and ready. Sorta like a lightweight
Maybe monad, without the FP hoity-toity.
var one = "1"
var intVal = Int(one)
Use a if-check to determine if there's an underlying value.
if let intVal = Int(one) {
// And then access the underlying value with !
print(intVal) // 1
var nope = "please"
var nopeIntVal = Int(nope)
if nopeIntVal == nil {
print("Couldn't convert the string to an int")
Creating optionals.
var maybe:String? = nil
print(maybe) // nil
print(maybe == nil) // true
maybe = "yep"
print(maybe) // yep