
Exposed as a public interface.

"use strict";

var Video = require('./Video'),
    VideoControls = require('./VideoControls'),
    bind = require('bind'),
    emitter = require('emitter');

module.exports = Sensorium;

navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia ||
              navigator.webkitGetUserMedia ||
              navigator.mozGetUserMedia ||


Sets up the video.

container Object String Element to insert the video into; Either an HTMLElement or String selector
[options={}] Object= Options:
  • width: {String} width (in pixels) defaults to 400px
  • height: {String} height (in pixels) defaults to 300px
  • img: {String|Object} String selector or HTMLElement: image element to receive the captured image.

Width and height should be specified in a 4:3 aspect ratio. If not supplied in that way, the browser will still maintain the proper aspect ratio according to the max width or height specified but adds padding width or height in the other axis accomodate.
function Sensorium (container, options) {
  this._init(container, options);

Sensorium.prototype = {
  _init: function (container, options) {
    this.options = this._extend({
      width: '400px',
      height: '300px'
    }, options);


Sets the container. Defaults to document.body if a valid element can't be found.

  _setContainer: function (container) {
    if (typeof container === 'string') {
      container = document.querySelector(container);

    this.container = container || document.body;

  _extend: function (dest, source) {
    if (source) {
      for (var i in source) {
        var val = source[i];
        if (typeof val !== 'undefined') {
          dest[i] = val;

    return dest;

  _userMediaError: function (err) {

getUserMedia:error event: passed error object

    this.emit('getUserMedia:error', err);

  _userMediaSuccess: function (stream) {

getUserMedia:success event: passed the MediaStream and video object

    this.emit('getUserMedia:success', stream, this.vid);


  _initVideo: function () {
    this.videoControls = this._createVideoControls();
    this.vid = this._createVideo().attachControls(this.videoControls);

  _createVideo: function () {
    return new Video(this.options).attachTo(this.container);

  _createVideoControls: function () {
    var controls = new VideoControls(Sensorium.Labels);

    controls.on('cancel', bind(this, this.stop));
    controls.on('capture', bind(this, this.capture));

    return controls;

The video stream's content has to be drawn to a canvas in order to get a frame. Fortunately, this canvas doesn't have to be actually inserted into the document.

  _createCanvas: function () {
    var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    canvas.width = parseFloat(this.options.width);
    canvas.height = parseFloat(this.options.height);

    return canvas;

  _getRenderedCanvasData: function () {
    this._canvas || (this._canvas = this._createCanvas());
    this._canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(this.vid.getVideoElement(), 0, 0, parseFloat(this.options.width), parseFloat(this.options.height));

    return this._canvas.toDataURL('image/png');

If img was specified in the options to Sensorium, its src attribute is updated to the captured image frame.

  _updateImage: function (dataURI) {
    if (this.options.img) {
      if (typeof this.options.img === 'string') {
        this.options.img = document.querySelector(this.options.img);

      if ('src' in this.options.img) {
        this.options.img.src = dataURI;

        return true;

    return false;


Call to start the media capture process. This will trigger the browser asking the user if she wants to allow access.

  start: function () {
    navigator.getUserMedia({ video: true }, bind(this, this._userMediaSuccess), bind(this, this._userMediaError));


Call to capture an image on the media stream. start must have already have been called.

  capture: function () {
    var data = this._getRenderedCanvasData();

capture event: passed the data URI image data

    this.emit('capture', data);


Call to stop capturing and to destroy the video element. start must have already have been called.

  stop: function () {


Labels used for the UI.

Sensorium.Labels = {

cancel label

  CANCEL: 'Cancel',

take picture label

  TAKE_PICTURE: 'Take Picture'